Lucky <body>
Ain't easy to get a copy of it! :P
Get over it!
Monday, June 29, 2009

Things need to be done nicely
  • get the steps right! [:
  • bev 3 case-study articles(halfway there! heh)
  • revise bev unit 5 and the previous units too
  • POA, no matter what! (a must!)


the lists goes on.

Yes, get the hook of it baby(!!!)

Soda Gembira
Sunday, June 28, 2009

I prefer unplanned outing cos it work. What's the point of planning if it doesn't work?
That's if its an important event.... you should have plan it right from the start and be serious to make it happen.
What say you?
I'll love to say this, follow with the flow. [;

Outdated... last Saturday had beautiful time spent with the love ones...
It was quick decision made to be there. HA-HA. Suprisingly, the event was a good one afterall. Art Fazil was around to promote his latest album which consists of ' Bangau ohh Bangau song '.... all classics malay songs. [: I sang along and also not forgetting dikir barat performance from Si Anak Seni. How I wish the performance was from Kelana Purba or Neng Nyno. Heh! Yes, we went ESCAPE. Since, Cik Fandi got free tickets. Thanks for the tickets Cik Fandi & family! So? We only had 4 games in total. Mcm what the heck gitu kan... I was hoping to get my butt on the Rainbow... sadly, they're on service. ]: Sumpah, boring! Grrrr....
Viking was superb but there's this one sawadeekap(thailand) guy sat besides me. He just can't controlled on his hyper-ness with his irritating voice and everything seems so bad to the end. /:

Right after that, had CHOO-CHOO train. =p Had a self-time 3 to 5 minutes break... We decided to got ourseleves haunting the ghosts in the Haunted House. HA-HA. Scream your lungs out...! So myself & sis fiza being the bodyguards for the "twins" sisters. Pekik tak agak-agak sey korang... Hahaha.. The one who in-charge of the Haunted House are playing games with me. Hahaha. Very scared la gitu kan.. Lol. =D

I'm hooked to this song. <3

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Alamak, geram je tengok website VANS!
Classic slips on Authentics/Eras Classic Shoes...

You name it all!

Whatever it is, I'll keep you safe with me, my one and only Allston.
feeling-feeling gitu loh.
Heh. =p

random thoughts
Saturday, June 20, 2009

Should I wait? Should I not? Hmmmmm... I need to feel something latest. Drastic changes but to think of it yet again. *smacksforehead* Better off not now. I am so miang please. HA-HA. Fickle-minded idiot. I'm left with Sept till Nov. Cos, I read some golden word somewhere stated that 'it will be good if you had it after 4-6mths.' You get yourself a healthy ends. I gotta wait for now. Sidetrack, July you better come faster cos I really need to date you. Currently, I'm lack of choices. Cos someone told me that the phone I've been wanting for was a bad choice. ]: Okaylah, will see what I get for myself then. Or maybe someone, I buy the same phone as yours aye? Five megapixels leyyyy... By then, no need to bring along the camera. [:

Getaway to Sentosa
Friday, June 19, 2009

On the 16th June 09, the final year Administration students

organised a teambuiling event for the juniors.

It went smoothly. We separated into groups... combined with other admin students. Overall, we click together so well. Hehehe. Ohh yes, myself and shikin was in the same group. Yay! We got alot to catch things up right? Hehehe. BORA-BORA kepe? heh. Our gang was so hyped up and all till the end. Betul tak betul? Lol. I ain't going to touch about the food. Weather is so humid.

The event ended at the right time... Hajar, Ida, Irah and myself got ourseleves changed and straight away to Pahalawan Beach. Had so much fun to talked anthing(s) under the sun. Planning and whatsoever(s) we could think off. At that point of time, everyone was darn tired. We had good walked at the bridge there. Ida was damn scared already when I tease her around. Lol lol. Everyone laughed with me. Hehehe. She said to us, "ada hati nak jalan kat sini tapi takut sendiri." Kelakar la lu. Hahahaha. The bad thing was, I forgot to bring my camera along. Am annoyed cos I've already charged it. TOO BAD!

Took some shots from Ida phone... I'm yet to get those shots, Hajar send to me soon as possible okay? Or possible, tagged it in my fb. Thank you very nice! [: So much of bluetooth-ing. HA-HA. Its time to go back and have our rest. We rushed through to get ourseleves a sky train back to Vivo. Satu-satu lari mcm nak rak sey... Luckily, one of the staff there... opened up the line for us to go in. Thanks for your understanding. coughs* heh. Swine. =p

The next day which was on Wednesday... Had extra class. I got myself confused easily whenever I loss count. So irritating please. Overall, I find it good to have such classes. [: Hehehe.

i'm back
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Been really busy and being so lazy nowadays to update. HA-HA.
So, its the first week of holidays and it got to be end soon. Soon, I'm left with only two weeks. Be it, time flies too fast. Somewhat, I don't like it. Yes, it always comes like that. Have to accept it, follow with flow.
Last monday, went hunting for? Raya's outffit at arab street. The all time favourite shop. hehehe. We deeply in love with the materials. You don't even want to know how long and how difficult it was to search for the truly one. Now, I can't wait for the outcome. Who's our tailor be? Dearest mum, you know... you good at making us look sweet and nice. Sukaaaaaaa sekali! *grins* Right after that, we settled down at Raffles Hospital Banquet where we had our lunch.

As per normal, I ordered my all time favourite dish, Mee Hor Fun. Although, its not that delicious like what I usually had at Teh Tarik... I still finished it off while sis dilla had a hard time to get over with it. I couldn't accept it that the Teh Tarik nearby my house just have to shut down and change to other shop which is currently AL-FALAH. ]: So now? No more Mee Hor Fun late nights. Boring! Skip it and moving on... Walked to Bencooleen and bought a watch for Dad. Thank god, he likes the watch. Hehehe. Happy Father's Day comes advance b'day present too. [: We went down to Sembawang Mall. Our first time to be there, ain't that bad though. Not as crowded as the shopping malls where the estate I'm living in. Quite okay, there's Cotton On, Body Shop, Esprit and lots more. Guess what? We crazy about GSS! Who doesn't right? Esprit - Black pants, a top while the sisters had their crazier shopping spree. Lol.

Conversation between me and sis fiza

She : I give you face.
Me : What does that means?
She : *silent*
Me : Hahaha. Okay, I know, Thank you very nice and much appreciated!

Yes, it was unexpected la okay. I asked her to paid for me first and I'll get back to her later. She shocked me hokay! You know what? Your little sister can be so irritating to the core but still you love me kan kan kan? *in irritating voice* haha.

Sidetrack a little,

move on and get a life will you?
thank you.


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

how i wish.
please make it happen,
sooner the better!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Hiee... Currently, playing bowling at FB. Someone asked me out to bowl but yea there's always other day to bowl with your b and all. HA-HA! YAY YAY! I got myself three strikes in a row. So happy... WTH? Although, its only playing online. haha. Hey, in reality anyone can strike alot of times right? Heh. Ohhh.. I miss bowling. ]: So, today marked the last day of school which means... Its holidays ya'all! Seems that, I occupied my hols with activities. I shall make myself busy rather than so called 'you're one boring girl I ever met'. You know what I mean right?


Friday, June 5, 2009

Finally, its Friday night come Saturday night. Get what I mean? Hey, weekends are here. What's your plan? Some have already get started on their holidays mode. When's mine? Next week will be my last week of school. One week left, how time flies passed by. Next few months, I am going to sit for a major important examS. Ohhhh... examination week = depressed/stress ( I can feel the heat!) Okay, over with 3 papers and left one. I got over with NAPFA TEST. I guess I'm fine with the outcome especially on inclined pull-ups. Wohooo! I did 20 for that. Unbelievable! Hehehehe. Toned arms(!!) Need to maintain from now onwards. Push ups like what I did on those NCC days. HA-HA! Jogging? Unleast twice a week or the least I can do once a week. Most probably, I'm free every friday evening. *hint hint* [: School days been alright. Earlier on had OFC CA test. Yes, friday? Lessons ended at 12 noon and I stayed in school to killed time with the rest. I'm too lazy to go back home. Heh. Furthermore, we're the 2nd group to got in which started at 3pm till 4.30pm. How late can that be? Spent time chilling around with Nisa, Irah, Hajar... A great companion to be with. Haha. Yes, Nisa... first time to have a long chat with her. Hahaha. Definitely, a good one! *thumbs up* One topic to another. Happening or what?! Hehe.

Ehhh.... I need RETAIL THERAPY like now? GREAT SINGAPORE SALES (!!!) Been busy with this and that. No time, how to be your girlfriend like that? Huahuahuahua. Okay bye!

Have a good weekends to all.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Two down, one more to go.

Skipped about last friday emotions. I went way too over-board. What do you expect? Am too sensitive to handle(which I hate being that!) Myself, got so irritated with me me and me(!!) Urgh, can't get hold of it. Weak me. ]: Haiz, life is full with ups and downs. Without that, we won't pick ourseleves up and walk through it.
